Monday, December 21, 2009

Turning Point

I must say that today has been a very productive day.  I made and wrote cards, made brownies, went to two parties, and gained some very useful insight all in one day.  Thanks to a little support session for one of my high school friends who's having a rough time (we love you SW!!!), I realized a few things about what I want in a career, as well.  I think I have two things that I ultimately want to do in life: 1. teach, and 2. have an etsy shop.  To be honest, I'm not really sure what I want to sell on etsy, all I know is that I want to sell something.  I think it's the idea of blending fine arts and knitting that intrigues me.  Heck, I'll even throw English into the mix.  There are so many amazing artisans on etsy, from Baa Hurrah's amazing polka-dot knitting needles to knitting patterns and jewlery, and a whole bunch of stuff that I haven't even thought to look into yet.  It's all so awesome that I can't resist.  Even though I subconsciously try to talk myself out of it, I think I ultimately want to sell things that I make, whether full-time or not. 

I've also decided that I need to branch out in my knitting.  I need to move on from scarves and hats.  I mean, I'm not going to go to the other extreme and start knitting completely obnoxious articles of clothing--uterus hats, as another friend kindly suggested.  But, I feel like I've stuck to the safe path for too long.  I mean what can a few little knitting mistakes do to me?  Other than being strangled by a big, fibery mass that decided to revolt, knitting pretty much can't hurt me.  Or I could be stabbed by my own knitting needles, but that's a whole other story that we won't go into right now.  What're a few dropped stitches and a couple hundred rows worth of frogged* knitting?  I hear that you learn more from your mistakes than your successes. 

I think I've come to this relization at a good time.  I'm at the end of my second day of Christmas break, and I have almost a month ahead of me.  However, philosophical thinking must cease for the night.  I'm too sleepy to continue.  Stay out of trouble, folks, and have a good night.

*frog- (verb) to tear out multiple rows of knitting by removing the needles and pulling past the problem area in a piece of knitting

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